PR Services

Project Description

Why every Business needs PR services

PR, public relations, is focused on the strategic process of communicating with audiences to build, enhance or protect a company’s reputation. An integral part of business strategy, PR’s function is to communicate key messages that influence opinion, change behaviour and help audiences foster a positive mindset about your business. Many organisations outsource their PR campaign and media relations to an agency like ours for extra support.

Every organisation has to communicate at some point. For companies, that includes communicating with audiences both inside and outside the organisation – from employees and potential employees to customers, suppliers, investors and regulators. So, a strategic and deliberate approach to PR that develops better relationships between your business and your audiences will pay dividends in protecting your brand reputation online, offline and everywhere in between.

PR services for your Business

Our PR services are delivered regionally, nationally and internationally – helping businesses achieve their goals through hard-working communications.

At Influ4U Media, we understand the importance and function that all communication and media channels present for businesses and so we work across paid media, earned media, shared media and owned media channels.

Reputation management is what we know, inside and out. It’s become even more pertinent in today’s world, where information can be quickly found with a Google search. Business leaders today know that whether you want to increase new business with effective media relations, scale up your social media or digital marketing activities, PR services can help increase your business’s profile and interest.

We take a strategy-first approach to determine the most effective communication channels and PR messages to reach your target audiences.

And, with a full range of services available, develop tailored PR campaigns to deliver results, making every idea, piece of content work and channel as hard as it possibly can. We provide more than a press release. Building your brand is essential for your company to grow and scale. Increase brand awareness, trust and brand loyalty through an effective campaign.

Media coverage, content marketing and content creation, crisis management, media training, thought leadership, and product launches; the right strategy and tactics will increase trust and loyalty and boost your bottom line.

We also invest in developing a deep understanding of your business. Then, fuelled by insight and creativity we work hard to build relationships and engage with your target audience through multiple touchpoints. Working closely with your PR and marketing team, we can ensure we create the right strategy and the right tactics to meet your communication goals.

Choose a PR company that delivers results.

Don't want to waste any  more time?

