Privacy policy


Document valid from 20.04.2023. Please check this document periodically to be aware of any updates.

Here at WORLD WIDE INFLUENCE LLP we believe in transparency and we care about the confidentiality of your data. We strictly collect the information necessary to provide you with the ordered services, and keep them safe.



This Policy explains our privacy practices for , (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”). This Privacy Policy applies to all services provided by WORLD WIDE INFLUENCE LLP (hereinafter referred to as “WORLD WIDE INFLUENCE LLP”, but also “we” or “our”). This Privacy Policy explains why and how we collect and how we use the personal information of our customers.

WORLD WIDE INFLUENCE LLP is registered in the United Kingdom, Company number OC446848, with a registered office in 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR

Next you will find information about the following:

  1. Collection of information
  2. How we use the information
  3. Purpose of data processing
  4. Recipients of personal data
  5. Security measures
  6. Retention period
  7. Your rights
  8. Age limit
  9. Changes to the Privacy Policy
  10. Questions and Contacts



When you access and browse the Site, we collect the following information about you:

The information sent by you

Contact data – we receive and save any information sent by completing an order. The order forms collect information about you, including: name and surname, CNP or NIF, postal address (domicile / residence / mailing address), telephone number, email address, location data (IP).

Information we receive through the use of our services

Automatic Information – when you visit our site we collect information, which may constitute personal data. This information includes the IP address, referral url, the last page visited, the type of browser used, the operating system. We can record the date and time of access as well as the number of clicks made on our website.

Traffic measurement tools – We use traffic measurement services provided by third parties (Google Analytics) to collect information about the use of the Site, such as visits, pages visited. We also monitor the popularity of the published content. The traffic measurement tools use specific tracking techniques (for example: cookies) to recognize the device and analyze the information about you. It collects the following information: which pages you visited but also how long you spent on these pages, your IP address, which operating system you use, which browser you use and which site you visited before reaching our site.


  1. Information logs – When you visit the Site, access the content provided by us, use our services, use the chat application, ask us questions, request technical assistance in relation to the services provided, send us emails or participate in contests or fill in forms of satisfaction on our website, we automatically collect and store a series of information in log files. This information includes the IP address, the web address, the site visited before, the exit web address, the browser used, the operating system, date and time, the type of request sent, but also any errors received from the Site or services.
  2. Other information – We also receive and store any information that you transmit on our Site, through our Chat, email, phone or any other communication with our team or in connection with the provision of contracted services. Every time you contact us, we will record the ticket, the chat or the telephone conversation to make sure that we have accurate information, so that we can still offer the contracted services but also as support for the actions carried out by our team in case of a complaint to the answer received from us.

The information you provide:

We collect, store and use the information you provide for the following reasons:

  1. Contact information – to contact you about your orders, the status of the services, functionality changes for our services and for the Site. Also, when you have expressed your express consent to receive such information, we send you information about our new services/special offers or periodic notifications. We use email, telephone or text messages (SMS) to inform you about possible problems with hosting accounts, service interruptions, updates or improvements to services.
  2. Payments and financial information – this information is necessary together with the contract information to open a customer account, to complete a new order or to extend an existing contract, to start a new contract, to issue an invoice and to fulfill our legal and fiscal obligations.


We collect, store and use the information we receive as a result of using our services for the following reasons:

  1. Automatic information – to identify problems with our servers, to administer the Site and our services. This information can only identify a person to prevent fraud or abuse on our Site or our systems.
  2. Statistical tools – to improve our services and Website.
  3. The information from the logs – to identify possible problems, administer our Site.
  4. Other information – to manage your account and the orders made, to have correct and relevant information in case of a dispute/complaint, but also to identify concrete elements that can help us improve the services provided.



When you access or use our Services, we must collect, use your information according to this Policy. We respect confidentiality and respect some fundamental principles when processing personal data:

We will collect the minimum personal information that is necessary to be able to deliver the contracted Services

We offer full transparency about how we will use your information to comply with our legal obligations with respect for your privacy

We make sure that we use the information only for the purpose for which you gave us your consent


Personal data are processed, according to this Policy, for:

  1. Contract – based on your order for the provision of services and products from the commercial offer of WORLD WIDE INFLUENCE LLP (e.g. registration and extension of web domains, hosting services, SSL certificates, virtual servers, dedicated servers).
  2. Legitimate interest – necessary for purposes legitimate to our interest, such as:

to offer our customers the ordered products or services;

to identify and prevent illegal activities, fraud;

to improve the security of the network and IT systems;

to better understand the visitors who interact with our site;

to identify the effectiveness of promotional and marketing campaigns;

  1. Consent – we rely on your acceptance to use your personal data to deliver the ordered products or services, to send you marketing information (periodic emails, newsletters, maximum 1 per month but also promotional offers) by email. You can withdraw your consent to receive marketing information at any time by updating the settings in your customer account.



Your personal data can be sent to the following categories of recipients:

  1. The concerned person or his representatives;
  2. National or international organizations (eg: SIMPLENET, GoDaddy, Tucows Inc., Eurid, etc.)
  3. Public authorities

Personal data can be transferred to entities from the European Union, EEA or outside the EU only for the purpose for which the data subject submitted the order on the WORLD WIDE INFLUENCE LLP platform. The personal data transmitted will be those declared by the data subject and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which it is required to be sent to a certain third party.


We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the information you fill in on the Site in order to protect their security and integrity to and from the Site. When we store information, critical and sensitive data, we make sure that they are encrypted.

We have implemented physical, electronic/software measures and procedures related to the collection, storage, and disclosure of information that can lead to the identification of a person. Our procedures, in some cases, require us to request proof of your identity before providing you with information or complying with your requests.

To protect your account against unauthorized access, we have implemented session management and automatic expiration measures. As an additional security measure, we recommend you to log out using the Log-out option when you have finished using the client account or the computer and not to save passwords in the browser.

Although we are dedicated to data security, and we take the necessary measures to ensure a high level of security, you should know that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be secure. Therefore, you must take note that we cannot guarantee the complete security of the personal data that you transfer via the Internet to us.



The storage and processing of personal data is carried out for the duration of the validity of the contracts concluded with WORLD WIDE INFLUENCE LLP or the validity of the domains registered through the Website, to which 10 years are added from the termination of the contractual relationship or the expiration of the domains, if through a applicable legal provision, it is not necessary to keep it for a longer period.



As the data subject, you have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  1. the right of access to data (art. 15 of the Regulation);
  2. the right to rectification of data (art. 16 of the Regulation), following the identification of the requesting person;
  3. the right to delete data, a request that will be analyzed under the aspect of fulfilling the express conditions of art. 17 of the Regulation and the purpose of the collection;
  4. the right to data restriction, a request that will be analyzed under the aspect of fulfilling the express conditions of art. 18 of the Regulation;
  5. the right to data portability (art. 20 of the Regulation);
  6. the right to opposition (art. 21 of the Regulation);
  7. the right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on automatic processing, including profiling (according to art. 22 of the Regulation);
  8. the right to address the National Authority for the Supervision of the Processing of Personal Data and Justice.

By accessing the Account Details section of the Customer Area, you can access, modify, correct information associated with your account. To the extent that you need additional assistance or wish to exercise these rights, you can contact us using the information presented in this Policy in the “Questions and Contacts” section.



In accordance with the Terms and Conditions of WORLD WIDE INFLUENCE LLP, we do not offer services or collect information for persons under the age of 18. To the extent that you have evidence that a minor (under 18) has purchased the Services or provided us with their personal information, please contact us using the information presented in this Policy in the “Questions and Contacts” section.



We reserve the right to modify the Privacy Policy at any time. If we decide to change this Policy, we will add those updates here or anywhere else we deem appropriate so that you are informed of the information we collect.

If we make essential changes to these Privacy Policies, we will notify you in this section, by email or through the Site at least 15 days before these changes take effect.



If you have any questions related to this Privacy Policy, if you wish to exercise any of your rights in relation to personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer in writing through a dated and signed address, accompanied by a copy of the book of identity, sent to WORLD WIDE INFLUENCE LLP at the address

If you send a request regarding the exercise of your data protection rights, we will respond to the request within the one-month period stipulated by the Regulation.

Your agreement for the processing operations is expressed with the submission of an online order in accordance with the provisions of Law.


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